軟體名稱: Keystone Visual C++ V6.0 Level 1-3
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 3片裝
破解說明: 直接安裝即可!
系統支援: Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/
軟體類型: 多媒體課程教學
更新日期: 2008.01.01
相關網址: http://www.keystonelearning.com
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Keystone 家族‧ Visual C++ V6.0 多媒體課程教學第 1-3 輯
This course will teach you the powerful features of this development
tool. Learn dialogs,object oriented interface,mapping modes,using
support macros and more. Level 1 Video (1 hr 46 min)
1.0 Introduction to C++ 6 (54 min)
1.1 Overview
1.2 Building a Simple Project
1.3 Creating a Win32 Console Application
1.4 Creating Header Files
2.0 Major Components (16 min)
2.1 Build Process
2.2 Resources
2.3 Visual C++ Compiler
2.4 Linker
2.5 Source Code Editor
2.6 Visual C++ Debugger
3.0 Object Oriented Interfaces (34 min)
3.1 Message Handling
3.2 Basic MFC Application
Level 2 Video (1 hr 55 min)
1.0 Adding Message Handlers (1 hr 53 min)
1.1 Overview
1.2 Using Support Macros
1.3 Analyzing Events
1.4 Using the Class Wizard
1.5 Applying Drawing Logic
1.6 Using the Power of the View Model
1.7 Mapping Modes
1.8 Creating a Message Handler Using the Class Wizard
1.9 Summary of Mapping Modes
1.10 Summary of KeyPoints
Level 3 Video (1 hr 54 min)
1.0 Dialogs (1 hr 52 min)
1.1 Steps in Using
1.2 Using the Control Toolbar to Create a Dialog
1.3 Using the Class Wizard
1.4 Dialog Execution Sequence
1.5 Hooking the Info to a Real Program Structure
1.6 Looking at Changes to Start Building Data for the App
1.7 Miscellaneous Dialog Features
1.8 More Advanced Dialog Controls
1.9 Common Dialogs
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