軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Product Visualization In Maya
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 3片裝
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista
軟體類型: Maya視覺化產品製作教學
更新日期: 2009.01.10
相關網址: http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/product.php?productid=3598
軟體簡介: (詳細見官方網址)
Digital Tutors 公司最新出品的Maya視覺化產品製作教學-Digital Tutors Produ
ct Visualization In Maya.
教程所使用的軟體版本為: Maya 8.5 or higher (Maya 2009 recommended)在Maya中
教程包括5個小時的基於專案的訓練,涉及在產品可化當中的模型 、燈光及渲染等
Learn a design-oriented workflow to product visualization and production
techniques to designing with aesthetic and usability constraints, studio
lighting, and photorealistic rendering. Provides 5 hours of project-base
d training on modeling, lighting, and rendering topics for use in produc
t visualization. Ideal for intermediate and experienced artists.
Popular highlights include:
‧ Solutions to Design Challenges
‧ Establishing Scale and Volume
‧ NURBS Modeling Workflows
‧ Trimming Surfaces
‧ Lofting Surfaces
‧ Adding Realism with Detail
‧ Polygon Modeling Workflows
‧ Converting Geometry Types
‧ Effective Boolean Techniques
‧ Projecting Curves onto Surfaces
‧ Simulating Studio Lighting
‧ Creating Bounce Cards and Light Diffusers
‧ Light Setup and Placement
‧ Recreating Real-world Materials
‧ Architectural Materials
‧ Indirect Illumination with Final Gather
‧ Camera Placement for Composition
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