軟體名稱: Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery V8.5.2 含開機功能
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista
軟體類型: AE立體電影特效教學
更新日期: 2009.03.11
相關網址: http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/product.php?productid=3612
中文網站: http://seednet.to
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Digital Tutors Stereoscopic 3D In After Effects AE立體電影特效教學
Digital-Tutors2009年2月最新出品的After Effects 在3D立體電影中的運用視
頻教學。適用于After Effects 7以及更高版本,時長超過兩小時50分。
Stereoscopic 3D是一種立體成像技術,佩戴專用的立體眼鏡,平面的3D遊戲或
拿著用玻璃紙製作的紅藍色 3D眼鏡,透過左右眼過濾了不同的顏色,所看到的
圖像就變成立體。本教程將在After Effects中通過一整套工作流程,展示如何
實現這一技術,為觀眾創造興奮的互動式體驗。 包含超過兩小時基於專案的培
Popular highlights include: 重點內容
‧Stereoscopy Overview
‧Rules of Safe Stereo
‧Anaglyph Filtering
‧Stereo 3D workflow
‧Camera Rigs
‧3D Objects in After Effects
‧Mathematics of Stereo Imagery
‧Creating Interactive Guides to Help Visualize
‧Color Correcting Stereo Imagery
‧Composting Stereo Pair Renders from Maya
‧Controlling Zero Parallax
‧Interaxial Separation
‧Creating a Camera Dolly System
‧Animating Cameras with Dolly System
‧Photoshop 3D Layers
‧3D Assets with Photoshop
‧Assembling Multiple Compositions with Expressions
‧Zero Parallax Controls in 3D Scene
‧Interaxial Separation Controls
‧Avoiding Keystoning and Other Stereo Distortions
‧Creating a Stereo Camera Rig for Photoshop 3D Objects
Lesson Outline:章節內容
01.Introduction and Project Overview 2:52
02.Creating an Anaglyphic Stereo set-up 11:32
03.Setting up the Zero Parallax 4:06
04.Building a control system to edit the Zero Parallax point 10:34
05.Creating a camera dolly system and separation controls 12:41
06.Building a center camera rig 13:38
07.Cleaning up the project and adding render comps 8:16
08.Applying Safe Stereo rules to control maximum disparity 11:27
09.Building a Safe Stereo visualization tool 22:29
10.Creating a visualization representation of the Safe Zone 13:58
11.Cleaning up the final Stereo rig for easier animation 4:55
12.Defining Stereoscopics 1;22
13.Analyzing the different filter types 4:52
14.Covering the rules of Safe Stereo 3:49
15.Compositing Stereo pair renders from Maya 8:57
16.Preparing an OBJ in Maya for use in Photoshop 4:25
17.Importing 3D layers from Photoshop into After Effects 8:17
18.Setting up the Stereo rig to work with Photoshop 3D layers 8:15
19.Tying together the Photoshop 3D Controllers 4:56
20.Color correcting for Anaglyph renders 8:08
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