軟體名稱: Total Training Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Essentials
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有 Windows 與 Mac 作業系統
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2010.08.13
軟體發行: Total Training(i.NKiSO)
官方網站: http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/premiereprocs5_ess.asp
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Total Training出品的 Premiere Pro CS5 基礎教程 .講授了如何按時的在預算內
編輯、交付最專業的產品. 運用開拓性的工具選項讓視頻製作成令人感歎的作品變
得比以往任何時候都更加簡單............ 教學光碟中附帶有練習素材
1. A Quick Look at Premiere Pro CS5
2. The Mercury Engine
1. Starting a New Project
2. Setting up a Sequence
3. Preferences
4. Workspaces & Keyboard Customization
5. The Project Panel
6. The Program & Source Panels
7. The Media Browser, Info, Effects & History Panels
Chapter 3: IMPORTING MEDIA (37 min)
1. Setting Device Control & Capture Preferences
2. The Capture Window Controls
3. Logging Clip Data & Capturing
4. Importing Files into the Project Panel
1. Placing Clips from the Project Panel
2. Placing Clips from the Source Panel
3. Placing Clips from a Storyboard
Chapter 5: USING THE EDITING TOOLS (21 min)
1. The Selection Tool
2. The Track Selection Tool
3. The Ripple & Rolling Edit Tools
4. The Rate Stretch Tool
5. The Razor Tool
6. The Slip & Slide Tools
7. Three-Point Editing
8. The Trim Panel
Chapter 6: ADDING TRANSITIONS (15 min)
1. Adding a Transition
2. Adjusting Transition Settings in the Effect Controls Panel
3. Setting the Default Transition
4. Adding Transitions Automatically
Chapter 7: CREATING TITLES (28 min)
1. Using the Titler
2. Using & Creating Templates
3. Using & Creating Styles
4. Creating Text on a Path
5. Designing a Lower Third
6. Rolling & Crawling Titles
7. Using Photoshop?to Create a Title
Chapter 8: ADDING EFFECTS (65 min)
1. The Effect Controls
2. Keyframe Basics
3. Spatial & Temporal Interpolation
4. The Effects Panel
5. Using Video Scopes to Keep NTSC Legal
6. The Fast Color Corrector
7. The Three-Way Color Corrector
8. Copying & Pasting Effects, Saving Presets
9. Time Remapping
10. Chroma Keying with the Ultra Key Effect
11. Multi-Camera Editing
Chapter 9: WORKING WITH AUDIO (58 min)
1. Basics of Audio
2. Setting Audio Preferences
3. Source Channel Mapping
4. Adjusting Levels with Keyframes
5. Applying Audio Transitions & Effects
6. Cleaning Up Audio
7. Using the Audio Mixer
8. Exporting Audio
9. Recording a Voice Over to the Timeline
10. Speech Transcription
11. Editing to the Audio
12. Finishing the Edit
Chapter 10: EXPORTING MEDIA (18 min)
1. Using the Project Manager
2. Exporting Media
3. Exporting to DVD
4. Credits
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